Breaking Free from the Toxic Thought Cycle

"It shouldn't be this way"

"Why couldn't he/she have done this!?"

"If only THIS would have happened, things would have worked out differently"

*insert frustration, sadness, and a very toxic, exhausting emotional cycle*

When you can witness the internal narrative and can acknowledge that it's on repeat and not serving any progress, it's time to introduce a few integration practices.

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The Integration of Oneself - Shadow Work

When we talk about Shadow Work, one must first understand – what is “The Shadow”?

The Shadow is any aspect of oneself, in the human psyche that we are unconscious of, whether it be wounding, emotions, desires, needs, internal beliefs, gifts, talents or potential.

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Bel Dobosz
My Spiritual 360

“By the age of 15 I had finally conjured up the guts to follow MY gut (intuition, inner knowing) and leave the church. I knew at the core of my being, on a Soul level, that this was not the life for me…So I stopped going to church on a Sunday and all other religious events and faced the consequences of being the “outcast” and “rebel” of my family. This was an extremely difficult and dark period for me. I laid in bed every Sunday morning, pretending to be asleep until my family left to go to church. It was then that I was able to have some alone time to contemplate life and explore what felt right to me, and of course – start rebelling.”

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FIFO + Mental Health

It only took me one month on an 8/6 roster to fall into a deep state of depression…..

…and that was the roster I had been DREAMING of ever since I started FIFO (fly in, fly out in the Mining Industry) work 2 years prior… but everything else in my life was going splendidly at the time - what was wrong with me?

Crying in my donga (small, portable dormitory) every night, having a couple of smokes every night to bring me some "comfort".

Even though I had the dream roster and financial freedom, why was I totally miserable?

If it were only that simple.

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Stepping into Vulnerability a.k.a. True Human Connection

Fear to be truly one of the biggest blockages holding us back from true human connection.

I mean, how scary is it to speak your truth, share your fears, needs or desires knowing it might upset the other person. Or even worse… that you may lose the other person, be it a friendship or romantic partner. The fear of being judged or criticized is a big one - the fear of being “unlovable” because of your deepest desires. A lot of the time, that risk feels too great and the easier option is to avoid allowing these fragile parts of ourselves to be exposed.

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What is Wellness Travel + What Can it Do For You?

I'm often asked - What is Wellness Travel? For me, it can simply be summed up by thinking of it as a holistic style of travel - one that incorporates health (mental + physical) and well-being into a travel journey, whether it be a weekend or year-long adventure. 

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How Travel Saved My Life

I never truly understood the real meaning of possibilities until I traveled. I thought life was this real average destination I was stuck on, where I was a passenger just going along for the ride. Eat, sleep, work, have some fun, feel good, feel OK, then feel depressed again. This is a normal life, right?

Boy, was I wrong.

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